1. Log in to Canvas

2. Go to the class you want to schedule a Webex for.

3. Select Cisco Webex

4. Classroom Collaboration will not appear until it is setup. Click Setup

5. In the Setup tab, make sure that "Meetings" is enabled.

6. Go to Classroom collaboration and click "Sync class roster now".

7. Click here
Go to Meetings.

8. You may be prompted to sign in. This will use your SoLAcc credentials.

9. If required to sign in, click Accept and leave the boxed check.

10. Title the meeting with the name of the class and section.

11. Choose the days and time that the class will reoccur and the end date.

12. Select "They can join the meeting" under Security options.

13. Choose the audio options you wish to use.

14. If you want to record ALL meeting, enable this option under Advanced option.

15. Click Schedule.

16. The full class meeting schedule will now appear.

# Microsoft Outlook
17. The meetings will now appear on you calendar.

# We always recommend use the Webex desktop app to start your meeting.
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