IT Support Guide
Creation Date: May 10, 2023
Created By: Nick Pitre
1. To get to the IT support page, go to

2. Here you can find a full listing of Help Articles.

3. For employees, click "Employee Help Articles"

4. Once you click a help article category, you will see a full listing of all articles.

5. You can also search for a keyword. In this example, "teams" is searched.

6. This brings up all of the employee help articles associated with Teams.

7. From here, select the article that pertains to your issue.

8. Scroll through the how-to guide for information about your issue.

9. The search function is also available on the main page, Just click the "Help" button at the bottom right.

10. From here, you can search a keyword and it will bring up any articles related to that keyword. Here, "lockdown" is being searched.

11. This brings up any lockdown browser articles that are published.

12. If you do not find a fix for your issue in the self-help articles, please submit a ticket to the IT Support.
13. Go to

14. Click sign in at the top right

15. Once you are signed in, click Submit a request

16. You will then fill out the ticket form.

17. Add a brief description of the problem you are having

18. Specify if you are a student or an employee

19. Select your location

20. Select the category for your issue. Tickets are automatically routed based on category, so selecting the correct category is helpful in getting your ticket to the correct group. If you are unsure, select other.

21. Give a detailed description of the problem you are having. Also, please include room number and a phone number you can be reached at should you need to be contacted.

22. Screen shots of errors/problems are very helpful. You can upload them by clicking here.

23. Click submit

24. To check the status of your ticket, select your name at the top right and click requests.

25. Where it says Status, click the drop down and select Open

26. From here, you will see your open tickets. Click the ticket you need to update.

27. You will see if IT has sent a response to your ticket. They may be asking for more information or have given you an update/solution.

28. You can use the bar at the bottom to submit your responses to the IT department.

29. You can see your ticket information on the right side - including the status of your ticket.

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