# This is a simple example of how to get the results from a Microsoft form and send it to an email address with Power Automate.
1. Go to Office.com and select Power Automate in the Apps section. The Power Automate main page also has links to self service learning, provided by Microsoft.

2. Power Automate has many templates to choose from. Many can accomplish what you are trying to do or be adapted for your purpose. To view them, click "Templates".

3. In the search box, you can search apps or function for what you are trying to do.

4. This is a simple flow, so we will manually create it. To begin, click "My flows", then "New flow".

5. Select "Automated cloud flow".

6. Every flow will need a name. Choose a name that will help you remember what is it for.

7. This is the form that we will be using for this example.

8. You can select the first trigger that will be used for the form, or select skip.

9. To begin, click "Add a trigger". A trigger is some action that we will used in our automated flow.

10. Here, you can search a Microsoft product or action. We know that we are starting with a form, so simply search "form".

11. In the results, select "When a new response is submitted" under Microsoft Forms.

12. When you add the "When a new response is submitted" trigger, you will need to enter the Form id of the form that you are working with. Note the "Connected to" section. Whichever account you are using will also need access to the form.

13. All of the forms that you have access to should display when you click this drop down.

14. If you need to find your form id manually, see the example below. If will be after "id=" and before the"&".

15. The manual form id will look like this.

16. You can change the account used for any connection by clicking "Change connection".

17. Click the + symbol and select "Add an action" to add the next step in your flow.

18. The second step will be to get the response details from the form.

19. You will need to select the form again for this step.

20. You will also need to get the response id.

21. Click the lighting bolt to pull up a list of dynamic content. Dynamic content is information that has been pulled from your form.

22. Select "Response ID".

23. Click the "+" again to add the 3rd step.

24. Search "send an email" and select "Send an email" under Office 365 Outlook.

25. Select "To" to enter the email address you would like this to send to.

26. Enter a subject for the email.

27. In the body of the email, we will use dynamic content to send the form response in the body of the email.

28. The way you format this section is your preference. I normally start the body with "You have receive a response from" followed by the form name. Then, add text for each section that you want displayed in the body of the email.

29. Click the lightning bolt to pull up options of dynamic content.

30. Select the appropriate dynamic content.

31. This is how it will appear when added.

32. Continue until you have all the content that you want to send in the email.

33. Save the flow by clicking "Save" at the top.

34. The best way to test the flow is to fill out the form and make sure it is working as intended. When completed, this is how the email will appear.

35. The Flow Checker is a useful troubleshooting tool. It will process the flow and look for errors.

36. To test a flow, you can also click "Test".

37. This will pull up two options, Manually and Automatically. Manually will use a past form submission to test, so it is the more accurate test.

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